Refuge Worship Center
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
serving you with the compassion of Christ

Pastor James and Shelly Williams

From childhood Pastor James has felt the call to ministry.  He was licensed when he was nineteen years old, and has traveled to many countries to share the Gospel.  Pastor James believes in miracles, signs and wonders, healings and deliverances, and incorporates these giftings into our services.  Shelly oversees the nursery department, and works alongside the women's ministry!  James and Shelly have been married for twenty-seven years, and they have five wonderful children. 

Associate Pastor Randy and RaeAnn Berry

This couple has been a part of Refuge for over fifteen years.  Randy has served as Elder, Sunday School Director, and adult Sunday School teacher.  RaeAnn is the church Secretary/Treasurer.  They are committed and faithful to the Kingdom of God, and are a blessing to all.  

(Elder) Chad Lee

Chad Lee, his wife Laura, and their son Caden have been part of this church for eight years. With a powerful testimony of the grace of God, Chad has an evangelistic call upon his life and plays a key role in the Evangelism Team. A man of the Word, Chad speaks the Gospel with authority and believes it!

(Elder) Jeff Misenheimer

The Misenheimers, Jeff and his wife Jennifer, are not new to being valuable members of a church. With a compassionate heart, Jeff gives of his time and energy in helping his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Refuge is blessed to have you.